Passionate mother with a heart for the environment, organic cotton, sustainable trading and circular fashion. Sometime ago, I found my shop in the capital of Germany, to contribute to a better future for my own children.
I believe that together we can all make a difference with the choices we make, and the future we select for the people we love most.
Now from the centre of The Netherlands, I kindly ask you to join me in creating a better world, one selection at the time!


Wie ben ik?


Wat doe ik?

"Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.” ―Theodore Roosevelt.

I spend my days searching for the best organic cotton, and baby fashion providers available for the little one in your house. I connect to those providers who have sustainability and green focus as a goal, to prepare the nicest baby gift packages you can find in Amersfoort!

Nowadays, sustainable fashion for babies is a must, and a tool we have to facilitate our kids a better future. Ready to support me in this journey to make a difference, one baby package at the time?

Image by <a href="">Freepik</a>